Friday, 23 February 2018

180223 UN, Alderney, Daniel's visit, Purim

23rd February 2018

Shabbat Shalom dear friends. Shabbat Shalom

I don't know about you but I am sick of corruption, politics, supposed diplomacy and guns – actually guns should have been number one on my list of fears. I know that there are many of you who believe that your freedom depends upon owning at least one weapon. As one person said if all teachers carry weapons and a shooter comes in the classroom it will mean that two shooters are in a classroom full of children.
A fascinating article about why school shootings don't happen in Israel

In another strong speech in the UN by US Ambassador Haley after she was ungraciously told to shut up by Palestinian spokesman Saeb Erekat, Nikki Haley responded that she will not shut up and although the PA may find the "moving of OUR Embassy to Jerusalem" it is the American Embassy and it will happen. She pointed out that Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner sat behind her ready to negotiate and make a better life for the Palestinian people.  Incidentally that same Saeb Erekat who lambasts and incites against Israel expressed anger that Israeli doctors are not willing to put him at the top of the transplant list here in our hospitals.

UN idiocy of the week? Appointing Syria to the pole position fighting the subjugation of peoples

The IDF revealed that in August they foiled an attempted Islamic State aeroplane bombing of a flight leaving Sydney, Australia.

Canon Andrew White is in the British Channel Island of Alderney. Since he has been just about everywhere it may appear to be unremarkable that he is in Alderney, but it is and his reason for being there is even more remarkable. Alderney was one of 3 British Channel Isles that were occupied by the Third Reich, Guernsey, Jersey, all suffered under Nazi rule but Alderney was different. There were four camps on the island, two work camps and two death camps. 40,000 souls were lost. Canon Andrew is determined that they will not be forgotten

This has been an incredible week! My NYC son Daniel, wife Karen and children Joshua and Callie have been staying with us, which of course means that I have been to many places I normally don't visit! We went to see the Jerusalem Aquarium which, as our guide and educator Shai said, is still in "run in" mode. If this is the run in then the final stage will be amazing because we all adored it! When there was a break in the rain on Monday we took off to the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo. It is truly wonderful, the animals are in the closest possible copy of their natural habitat and although it isn't huge it allows one to wander through beautiful areas. From there we went to Rachels where the cousins played as if they are together every day – and Auntie Rachel made her famous pizza for all.

Then came the Galita Chocolate Factory on Kibbutz Tzuba, which I wouldn't miss for anything!! A course teaching us to make chocolate houses, lollipops, pralines, with an array of toppings in front of you as you build your chocolate dream under expert instruction………. Eating at least 50% of the incredible rich chocolate made on site. In the evening Sagi and Ditty Daren came over for supper with their 3 children and we had some of the chocolate treats for dessert.

I admit I was too tired to go to the Bloomfield Science Museum, but I know they had a ball, rushing in the door to tell me all about the games they recognised and the new ones too! Rachel, Yosef, Talia and Ayala came for supper afterwards.

Yesterday we went together to the Kotel, the Western Wall. The entire plaza was jam-packed with Israelis and tourists alike. Bar Mitzva boys were led in by musicians and drummers, families dancing and singing, the embarrassed but proud youngsters under chuppas of all natures – from Tallit to Israeli flag, as they went to read from the Torah for the very first time beside the towering wall. The children were amazed. We also went to look over the newly extended egalitarian prayer area of the Western Wall, the Kotel – the one that some tried to claim did not exist.

What most impressed Joshua and Callie? The newly opened Supermarket opposite; the view from the veranda each morning over Jerusalem; our very large electric blinds which Joshua loved raising to see that view; picking lemons and kumquats; the newly emerging orange blossom; the vast array of craft equipment I have stored in the playroom and of course their Daddy laughing at me yelling "Look at the wild cyclamen" every time I saw  beautiful pink delights at every turn in the road.

Unfortunately, timing meant that I missed the Conference of Presidents meetings and seeing Dr Malcolm Hoenlein, but sorry Malcolm, it was worth it!

Yesterday my miracle grandson was 13- Samuel George, Sammy, Samsam. 13 is the age of responsibility for Jewish boys but Sammy has taken responsibility for making our family smile for every day of his 13 years.
Happy birthday to my brother Ronnie today.

Our delightful, special friend Dr Kimball Taylor is making the interminable journey from Cardston, Alberta to Israel because he loves Israel and us!! Kim is coming to be with us on Saturday evening – and then we will all go to Zichron Yaakov for the Jewish Agency Board Meetings. I hope that some decisions will be made, that they will not forget their purpose for existing which is to create a bond between the Diaspora and Israel – an unbreakable bond. Will report.

Purim! Apart from the dreadful habit of Israeli boys to explode caps at each other it is a festival of joy, parties, fancy dress, mishloach manot or gifts of food and fun and general celebration. I think you all know the story of the wicked, Jew hating Haman who convinced King Achasuerus of Shushan, Persia, to kill all the Jews and of Mordechai who took his niece Esther to enter a beauty contest, win, become Queen and convince the King that Jews were OK and Haman a bad man. Well although while we read the "Megillat Esther" – the Story of Esther - in the synagogues and recount Hamans evil motives, we are encouraged to drink alcohol (honestly) until tipsy. A strange tradition? Yes and no. The command is to drink only until one cannot tell the difference between Mordechai and Haman – in other words, vengeance is considered a sin, so one should drink until one does not feel anger over Haman. I have a problem with it, I don't drink a lot and sadly see a direct correlation between ancient Persia and today's Iran. I don't want to wreak vengeance but I wish Esther would appear really quickly!

Rabbi Jeremy Rosen makes a wonderful comparative between all the religions and Purim

And so to music!!
Maccabeats and the story of Purim

From Shushan to Teheran – Jews all over the world have prayed for just one thing, something that runs through every song, poems and prayer – Peace. Former Chief Rabbi of Great Britain and the Commonwealth, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, initiated this amazing recording. Oseh Shalom – a prayer that there shall be peace.

Shabbat Shalom with much love from both of us, here in Jerusalem.

Friday, 16 February 2018

180216 Parkland, Guns, Iran-Syria, Netanyahu

16th February 2018
I wish you a good Shabbes, a peaceful Shabbat, a weekend without tragedy.

My heart is breaking for the families of those children whose lives were taken by a crazed gunman in Parkland, Florida. I cannot imagine what horrors the other children saw, but they will be haunted by it for the rest of their lives.  I am furious that a crazed criminal, known to the FBI, the police and the local school authorities could walk into a store and buy an assault rifle AND WALK INTO THE SCHOOL UNHINDERED. I am sick and tired of being attacked personally because I find the gun culture abhorrent – and equally tired of being told that crime in Britain is worse than the USA when all the statistics that I carefully researched say that petty crime is possibly higher but gun crime, murders etc is definitely not. It is irrelevant to yesterday's horror but if you wish here it the proof.

20 years ago there was a mass shooting in a school in Dunblane, Scotland after which the British Government introduced strict gun control laws and there have been no further such incidents – 22 years ago, in Port Arthur, Tasmania a gunman opened fire and killed 35 people, within 2 weeks Australia introduced strict gun control, there have been no more mass shootings. If the issue is freedom then give children the freedom to live. The amendment giving people the right to carry arms is hundreds of years old – time to change.

As to violence in schools – my family always called me Pollyanna because I try to find the good in all people and all things, but I am a realistic optimist! As Zvi taught me, there are no problems we just need to find solutions. I believe in Rabbi David Geffen and his incredible programme to bring love to schoolchildren, even in the most "difficult" schools. It works

The Prime Minister of Israel is about to be indicted on corruption charges after an interminable investigation and the country is in turmoil. The satirists are having a field day and I am sick and tired of hearing of the antics of the Prime Ministers household. I don't know if the Prime Minister is guilty of bribery or of extreme hedonism and misuse of friendships to feed his desire for rich friends, fine cigars and champagne, but we are at a terrifying crossroads in a confused world and we need someone whose mind is utterly on the good of the country. It was Benjamin Netanyahu who made a long speech telling Ehud Olmert that he had to resign during that investigation because Prime Minister Olmert could not concentrate on the job of Prime Minister – for charges that dim compared with the current charges against the Netanyahu family.  Netanyahu supporters have verbally attacked the Chief of Police, the Attorney General but when the leader of the Likud Party stood in the Knesset and called Yair Lapid a "nark" or "grass" because  he told the truth when asked by the police to testify before the investigation I understood that the Party had reached an all-time low.

I don't know if you received my midweek update concerning the Syrian/Iranian/Israeli cross border incident, please let me know if not. This is the potted history that brought us to the incident

A potted history since the first time I saw Lebanon
1.     Lebanon 1963 there was no real border between Lebanon and Israel– a Jewish country and a Christian country, not enemies. We stood and chatted with Lebanese soldiers the other side of a car park like barrier and wandered in and out of both countries for a photo-op
2.     1970 – Arafat attempts a failed coup in Jordan, causes deaths of at least 10,000 PLO supporters at the hands of King Hussein and is flees Jordan. Syria refuses to accept him and he and his cohorts are accepted by Lebanon – in a move of Christian sympathy.
3.     Since that date the advance of destructive forces of Hezb-Allah have grown in Lebanon, destroying that once Christian country from the "Pearl of the Middle East" (Beirut) into a war zone.
4.     Hezb-Allah is supported by Iran.
5.     Iran takes advantage of and encourages the dreadful war in Syria with the help of Hezb-Allah which until the insertion of Iran in the equation was a failing organisation.
6.     Iran is delighted to take advantage of the utter chaos and establish bases in Syria which gives them a strong foothold in the region.
7.     Iran brings "volunteers" from Pakistan etc to help them in the training of Syrian troops in advanced warfare and establishes military bases in Syria.
8.     Syria shoots an advanced anti-aircraft missile from an equally advanced drone at an Israeli aeroplane, successfully downing the F16i on Israeli soil, the first time that an Israeli aeroplane has been downed in very many years.
9.     Israel decides to retaliate successfully targetting 12 Syrian and Iranian installations – whose sole aim, apparently, is to destroy Israel – in the words of the Iranian leaders.
10.  There is a media message to the world, cleverly worded, that Israel is the aggressor even if the reaction is justified.
11.  Prime Minister Netanyahu has telephone conference with President Putin who is also trying to prevent the escalation.
12.  A world that stayed silent over the murder of over 500,000 Syrians at the hands of a despot leader is suddenly concerned about Israel responding to an attack on her soil.

Israel does not take the possibility of war with Iran lightly but since they have infiltrated virtually every one of our neighbouring countries (despite the best efforts of Jordan and Egypt), and have a Government Ministry dedicated to the annihilation of Israel I think we had the right to defend ourselves. I am happy to say that both pilots who ejected are now safe. The badly injured pilot is in a room beside a Syrian patient brought to Israel by the IDF for treatment. Just another anomaly in the story of this region.

Incidentally, the issue of Russian interference in the United States elections has risen yet again. Understand two simple facts. Everyone, every country interferes in every country's election!! It is a given!! Fact number two? Every country spies on every other country. What? You seriously thought that all the Embassy staff brought in are actually guards, clerks, attaches and secretaries?

This was a quiet week – yes it happens on occasion! The heavens opened and the rain came down, probably because I bragged about the glorious spring weather last week! When I say a quiet week, it was a special week. Yuval came into the world! Yuval is the newest baby to join the Raviv family, a beautiful little girl, the fourth daughter for Zvi's son Leor and his wife Shiri. Of course the family is very excited, especially Amit, Gili and Ori who chose the name Yuval for their little sister. Mazal Tov to all concerned a fabulous start to the week!!

I am always fascinated by Israeli hospitals. This time it was in the Meir Medical Centre in Kfar Saba. The patients and staff run the full gamut of Israeli society, in fact there were far more Arab patients than Jewish – and that is great! We all wish each other "Refuah Shlemah" a complete recovery with nary a thought of religious leanings.  I just wish all those who claim Israel is an apartheid state would come and really visit Israel, especially the hospitals. Perhaps they should compare it to what happens when Israelis find themselves in a Palestinian town

This is a very special Shabbat for us. As soon as I finish writing I am going to the airport to greet the El Al flight 008 from NYC carrying my eldest son Daniel, his lovely wife Karen and my unbelievably incredible grandchildren Joshua and Callie! On our way home we will stop in Givat Zeev so that Rachel, Igal, Yosef, Talia and Ayala can get their hugs in and I can get my Challot and a load of photos to send to the "Londoners". Tomorrow we will spend with Leor and Amiad and their children, so that they can break the language barrier and play together. I am beyond excited. The Shabbat table has been laid and ready for two days and all their favourite foods cooked! Wow…………. This is exciting!!!

When the world appears too filled with hate and division I listen to music. David Broza "Yihyeh Tov"
Shiri Maimon with Shir le Shalom – a song to peace
Finally the answer to it all, right David Geffen? All You Need is Love
I wish us all a kinder world, one in which Yuval can grow up safely, surrounded by love.

In this weeks Parasha, G-d tells us how to put together a "tent" that He can descend to be amongst us. Perhaps the elements of the tent are symbolic and the true elements are love, compassion, empathy and humility.

With all our love, from the Veranda, from our home and from Jerusalem.

Sunday, 11 February 2018

180211 Midweek Update Syria-Iran

11th February 2018
Mid-week update
After the rather dramatic happenings of last two days I thought you deserve an explanation
A Russian missile
Shot by Syrian soldier
Backed up by Iranian officer
Downed an American plane
Flown by an Israeli pilot
Who was saved by an Israeli Arab Doctor
In an Israeli hospital
With a Syrian patient in the next room
Welcome to the Middle East!

A potted history since the first time I saw Lebanon
1. Lebanon 1963 there was no real border between Lebanon and Israel– a Jewish country and a Christian country, not enemies. We stood and chatted with Lebanese soldiers the other side of a car park-like barrier arm and wandered in and out of both countries for a photo-op
2. 1970 – Arafat attempts a failed coup in Jordan, causes deaths of at least 10,000 PLO supporters at the hands of King Hussein and flees Jordan. Syria refuses to accept him and he and his cohorts are accepted by Lebanon – in a move of Christian sympathy.
3. Since that date the advance of destructive forces of Hezb-Allah have grown in Lebanon, destroying that once Christian country from the "Pearl of the Middle East" (Beirut) into a war zone.
4. Hezb-Allah is supported by Iran.
5. Iran takes advantage of and encourages the dreadful war in Syria with the help of Hezb-Allah which until the insertion of Iran in the equation was a failing organisation.
6. Iran is delighted to take advantage of the utter chaos and establish bases in Syria which gives them a strong foothold in the region.
7. Iran brings "volunteers" from Pakistan etc to join Hezb-Allah in Syria and help in the training of Syrian troops in advanced warfare and establishes military bases in Syria.
8. Syria shoots a Russian made advanced anti-aircraft missile from an equally advanced drone at an Israeli aeroplane, successfully downing the F16i on Israeli soil, the first time that an Israeli aeroplane has been downed in very many years.
9. Israel decides to retaliate successfully targetting 12 Syrian and Iranian installations – whose sole aim, apparently, is to destroy Israel – in the words of the Iranian leaders.
10. There is a media message to the world, cleverly worded, that Israel is the aggressor even if the reaction is justified.
11. Prime Minister Netanyahu has telephone conference with President Putin who is also trying to prevent the escalation.
12. A world that stayed silent over the murder of over 500,000 Syrians at the hands of a despot leader is suddenly concerned about Israel responding to an attack on her soil.
I wish you a good week
With love from Jerusalem

Friday, 9 February 2018

180209 Poland, Antisemitism, Koreas, Spring


9th February 2018

Shabbat Shalom dear friends. I hope you are well and my family in North America and the UK are not too cold. Just to make everyone jealous, the weather here has been glorious. Yesterday was 25C and just glorious. The balmy spring weather has persuaded the Shkediot (almond blossom), nuriot (rununculus), the first Calaniot (poppies) and Rakafot (wild cyclamen –to burst into blossom. Indeed thanks to the recent rains then sunshine the fertile land of the Negev Desert are abloom with scarlet, blue and purple! Yes, spring may not have sprung but it is certainly springing!!!

Semantics- semantics - semantics. Polish Anti-Semitism has a long and broad history; while it is true that the Concentration Camps were not a Polish conception, nor did Poles bring the death camps to fruition, but, while the Jewish shtetl sounds romantic it was most certainly a form of concentration of the Jews to make controlling them and exiling them easier. Poles did not create the Concentration Camps but those who condemned the camps were few and far between and precious.

Talking about Antisemitism, be it from without or within, a growing trend among those who know no better.

Again a natural segway from those Jews who denigrate Judaism to the simple fact that despite the rumours that have been twisted and shouted from the rooftops, the egalitarian section of the Kotel is being extended

A young man. Just 29 years old and the father of four, was waiting quietly for a lift to town when a man suddenly, for no reason other than the fact he was there, crossed the road, stabbed and killed him. In most cities it is an everyday tragedy/crime but in Israel it is different. Itamar Ben Gal z"l was a Jew, not just a Jew but a Jew who lived in a "Settlement" so he deserved to die because ……….he shouldn't have been there. What? What utter nonsense, nobody deserves to die at the hands of a crazed killer just because he is a Jew! Settlements (the English word for small new towns) is a collective word in these parts for Jews who want to live in the antithesis to the shtetl – they simply want to live their lives, not to harm or interfere with anyone else. Rabbi Itamar Ben Gal was a kind man, father of four tiny children, teacher of excellence, whose death was described as "the death of a settler by stabbing" by the foreign media – if they bothered at all. His killer? A young man whose father is Palestinian and Mother is Israeli – he is Israeli, he has been in institutions since babyhood, a drug addict and a felon who has now added terrorism killing to his long CV.

Illegal immigration is a world problem. Israel has been relatively kind to its work-seekers who were mostly free until asked to voluntarily leave the country. Israel paid Ruanda, a relatively organised country, to take those who agreed to leave. In interviews in Ruanda they said Israel is good to them.

I feel deep concern for the people of Gaza. They suffer a corrupt and violent regime under Hamas and their entire economy is about to collapse. They have limited electricity supplies which means that they have no fresh water and limited electricity means their sewage cannot be treated……… and flows straight to the beaches of Ashkelon in Israel! During the time that international funding was constant, Hamas used those funds for arms and tunnels – neither food for its citizens nor payment of debts. Their border with Egypt is hermetically closed; with Israel there is strict security but Israel continues providing subsistence goods; the USA is stopping funding UNWRA, who misused the aid money but also provided food for children and the PA has stopped funding the poverty stricken area. Saeb Erekat announced last week that the USA decision to stop funding would cause starvation among Palestinian children yet Mahmoud Abbas just bought a $50 million private plane!  In the meantime Israel and Egypt are working together to wipe out the presence of Da'esh and Al Qaeeda in Sinai.

The Winter Games 2018 are beginning in Pyeongchang, South Korea. 92 countries and 2,952 athletes are participating, but as far as the world is concerned there are two countries that have come together as one. Incredibly North and South Korea are marching under one flag. If one thinks about the reportage of just a few months ago "Trump has brought us to the brink of war with Kim" it is a surprising result even before the games begin!

On Sunday I went to the Israel Museum to meet two wonderful friends who volunteer there. The Museum is a credit to Jerusalem and to Israel in its vast collections but for me, the most important collections are Judaica, with its ancient synagogues brought intact from Suriname, Cochin, Italy, Germany and Poland, and archaeology. On Monday I met my friend Ruth Dodziuk-Justitz for lunch at the Botanical Gardens. I love that place, it is so serene and the food outstanding. Ruth is a relatively new friend, she and her husband are here for a year's Sabbatical, but I have a feeling they will be here for much longer! I sincerely hope so!

On Tuesday I went to a lecture by Professor Avi Weiss, of the Taub Center, on "Israel's State of the Nation". It was fascinating! I suggest you look at their website and click on each report – or, if like me you find all those numbers difficult then go to the graphs. The information covers all aspects of Israeli life in all of the sectors.

Talking of the state of the nation of Israel, I hear the occasional voice "If things are so good in Israel why should we give money"? Well, as far as I know American Universities are hardly poor but one donates to ones Alma Mater. Israel is the Jewish peoples Alma Mater and as a people we desperately need that "kesher" that connection with our past and our heritage. It has nothing to do with charity, it has everything to do with a connection with family and ancestry. If you want charity then I can suggest several exceptional NGO's that do phenomenal work but get little help from governmental, municipal or organizational funding – but don't throw the baby with the bath water of religious or political differences. We are all family and family sticks together through thick and thin – and now it's thin.

Wednesday was full of meetings for both of us, and so was Thursday………….. when I wasn't cooking in preparation for Friday night and Shabbat!!! Tonight we are 17 for Shabbat Dinner. What? You want the menu? OK. We will begin with two kinds of soup – "Orange" soup (orange coloured veggies) and Pea soup for the children; moving on we have Oven Grilled salmon, Chicken balls a la Stephanie in tomato sauce and Chicken Korma with Basmati Rice, Aubergines with Tehina, Moroccan mushrooms, Hummous, roasted cauliflower, cabbage salad, chopped salad and baby veggies for the children, followed by poached pears in cinnamon and apple juice and fresh citrus salad. If I have time I'll do something chocolate for the children. Tomorrow we have 10 friends coming after Shabbat to celebrate the incredible achievements of Prof Gabby Barkay on becoming Yakir Yerushalayim. You know Gabby's story, I have told it often, but we decided to bring together a few of his (and Zvi's) childhood friends for afternoon tea and to raise a glass of bubbly to Gabby. I won't bore you with that menu – enough is enough!!!!

At the beginning of this missive I described the glorious spring weather in Israel. The bonus, one of many, is that the almond blossoms, the shkediot, turn every hillside into puffs of pink and white clouds. It is really spectacular. In the middle of the country they travel for a long time to see the almond in blossom, here in Jerusalem, even rubbish dumps become sights of beauty as the almond trees emerge! The sunrise has been breathtaking each morning giving me cause to go out onto our veranda, still chilly at 06:00 in the morning, to breathe in the crisp air and watch the sunrise over the horizon while sipping my coffee, Jerusalem silhouetted in the foreground. The first daffodil has emerged, like a ray of sunshine in itself and anemones are tentatively peeping through ready to burst into colour, the tulip leaves give promise of a colourful spring. The kumquat tree is laden with fruit and the lemon tree is bravely holding on to her bright yellow gifts so that my frozen New York grandchildren Callie and Joshua can pick them when they arrive next Friday.

I leave the pomegranates on the tree so that the birds can visit during the lean winter months and eat their crimson ripeness. It provides us with a delightful selection of garden visitors. My favourite is the "Tsufit" a tiny iridescent blue-black bird, which dips its long beak into the fruits (and flowers) like a humming-bird, all the while whistling its distinctive song.

It is time to finish cooking and set the tables (one isn't really enough for 17 people). I haven't yet decided whether to have a grown-up table and a children's table and put games on their table for entertainment, or constrain them to sitting at the big peoples table……. Not that anyone will be sitting for very long. Actually that isn't true, little Yonatan, age three and a half, sits and eats like a gentleman! His favourite food? Salmon in any form! This will be the last full Friday night dinner with Zvi's boys and families for a little while because Shiri, Leor's wife, is about to give birth to their 4th girl…………. May it be with great ease and beautiful results, or as we say here in Israel "B'Sha'ah Tova".

Gosh is it really that time already? Music…………

Calaniot – Anemones – bright red carpets of them even in the desert after the life-giving rains, are the second harbinger of spring. The calaniot of Kibbutz Shekonda are probably the most spectacular in Israel although I love the wildness of the Valley of the Cross in Jerusalem where they mix with the wild cyclamen The Calanit is the national flower of Israel but it was recently renamed in this region as the Palestine Poppy………. Even though it is an anemone! Shoshana Dimari sings her traditional song to this spectacular flower

With Holocaust denial on the rise alongside horrifying incidents of anti-semitism perhaps we should think about how we, as a people, survived to fight another day. We learned to shrug off the horrors around us, and no matter how diabolical the punishment for being Jewish we dared to hope for a better day.

Time to go, I want to see what Zvi's plans are for today and to drink our coffee together. He already brought in the table extension and moved the lounge furniture around so that I can make the major seating plans and bring out the beautiful crockery and decorations for Shabbat. Of course he will go to his parliament because how can the world be put to rights without it?

Happy, happy birthday to the lovely Gloria Goldstein. Dear Gloria – I hope you will come home soon – we miss you!

Shabbat Shalom with love from Jerusalem and our beautiful mirpesset (veranda) with its view of Jerusalem.


Friday, 2 February 2018

180202 Poland, Nikky Haley, State of the Union, Chelsea,

2nd February 2018

Shabbat Shalom dear friends. I hope this missive finds you well.

With devastating irony, less than one week after the whole world supposedly remembers those who died in the Holocaust, the Polish Parliament passed a law that made it illegal to use the terms "Polish Death Camps" or "Polish Concentration Camps".  They insist that they be called German or Nazi camps. True, they didn't initiate them but they did initiate over 100 years of pogroms and they willingly accepted the role of landlord to the camps. Perhaps the most apt letter written about International Holocaust Day is that of one of my heroines in this world, Kay Wilson, Jewess, Israeli, survivor of a diabolical hatchet attack while guiding a friend who was killed before her eyes right here in Israel. Read her words, even if you don't want to.

Talking of women who are heroines, I have a new one! Nikky Haley, United States Ambassador to the United Nations, is a tenacious and steadfast prolocutor for her country and the USA's moral stance in a highly immoral and duplicitous organisation. The United States "pays a high price to be disrespected"

Last week I promised you the Jerusalem Press Club link to the outstanding lecture by Brigadier General Yossi Kupperwasser on the security situation in the Middle East. Here it is – it is fascinating.

An incident in Bethlehem was virtually ignored by the international media. A group of United States officials was invited by the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce to give a workshop on digital commerce and had to flee because of the riots against them.

President Trump, gave his "State of the Union" speech. He spoke of and reported on achievements in finance, international trade, employment and introduced people he felt worthy of praise. In a country that claims to be the birthplace of democracy and the flagship thereof I was horrified to see a video of Democrats in San Diego throwing shoes at the screen as President Trump spoke. Firstly, that is not an American tradition, it is a Moslem expression of scorn and contempt, secondly – are you serious? Freedom of expression? I didn't vote for Benjamin Netanyahu, wouldn't vote for him, but, when he does good things I applaud because that is good for our country, I could never imagine showing such contempt for the democratically elected leader of my country. I may criticise, roundly criticise, but show such idiotic contempt – never. Just incidentally, the media concentrated on illegal immigrants but in fact I checked and I have a video of both Clinton and Obama saying virtually the same thing about illegal immigrants – perhaps even stronger!!!!

Having said that, the sheer hedonism of the Netanyahu family is currently deeply distressing to most Israelis. I would be lying if I were not worried that a Premiere's wife wields such power. However that argument is for another day.

There is uproar about Israel's illegal immigrants being sent to a second country – at least, there is uproar about the African illegals being sent to a second country, nobody said a word about all the Eastern European illegals who were a) the vast majority and b) were also "repatriated".

Great leaders have great advisors. Moses was a wise and great leader but it was his Father in Law, Jethro, who taught him the rule of leadership – surround yourself with wise people who are capable of dealing with the day to day problems and ensure that you have to deal only with the earth shattering ones. Perhaps it would do several of our world leaders to read this week's Torah portion to understand that principle.

I absolutely adore my grandson Zachary! This week I realised that he is not just beautiful and clever, he is also wise. Zachary, or as he is known in the family Zackaroony, is an avid fan of Chelsea Football Club. When I say fan I mean he knows all the players, their families, history and if they are nice people; Zacky collects books and stickers of the club. I always thought it was a normal 9 year old fad. This week I found out that it is so much more. Chelsea football club is on an all-out battle against antisemitism. Before the match huge screens showed players and Israeli personalities speaking out against antisemitism and a huge circular sign held the motto. Bravo Zackaroony – bravo Chelsea

This week was a good week. I went to two shouks (markets) a wonderful uplifting lunch with incredible women and a meeting of the Yuri Shtern Holistic Centre which brought huge hope.

It started on Monday morning when I went to Shouk Ramle, not in Ramle but rather in the Malha Train Station car park. Arriving early, 08:30, since I hate the seething mass of shoppers later on, I went in, bought the little jackets I set out to buy, found Zvi some amazing guavas and left…… all before most of the stalls had been set up!!!! From there I drove to Modiin, a dormitory new town about half way between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. There I met up with my 5 soul-mates – friends from our childhood in Wales. None of us would live anywhere else, we love our lives here in Israel, but there is something very special about being with women who already know who you are, your achievements and your tragedies, so that one can simply relax and speak of Cabbages and Kings.

That evening I headed to the German Colony and the tiny apartment that creates miracles for Cancer patients and their families. As you know, I am on the Board of the Yuri Shtern Foundation, Holistic Centre created by Lena Shtern to honour her wonderful husband MK Yuri Shtern z"l. Thanks to the incredible work of all the staff and the giving volunteer therapists this has been a wonderful year of increased activities. We have extended into the Paediatric Oncology department of Shaare Zedek Hospital and have increased the course together with the Reidman School of Complimentary Medicine. We never have enough money, despite the efforts of Varda and Ayala, but when there is a loving determination to help others, to give of ones innate talents to ease the pain, anything is possible.

On Wednesday I went to your favourite place - Mahane Yehuda. Actually Zvi was there earlier in the week for a good Hummous and a chat with Ron and Rena Katz and Ron's Mother. I love that place. As I pull into the car park I feel the excitement grow and then walking down the few steps into the market itself, nothing like it. "Shalom, ma shlomchem"? Shalom how are you? from all the costermongers who take a break from shouting their wares to greet us. This week the market was even more colourful than usual since it was Tu b'Shvat – the new year for trees and a delightful harvest festival – the festival of dried fruits. I bet you didn't realise how many fruits can be dried!!! Everything from pineapple to mango, kiwi, strawberries, mango, forest fruits, apples, prunes, apricots and fruit tisanes. It was a joy – the colours and aromas were amazing. Of course we went through Tzidkiyahu's stall with it's myriad of olives, pickled and cured in a hundred ways; Middle Eastern delicacies glaore – I highly recommend his beef patties with tehina in the centre!!!

I didn't really understand the titles of the Blue Moon, Blue Bloody Moon but it certainly brought back memories of sitting on the grass in Lady Margaret Beaufort High School for Girls in Cardiff, with my buddies and singing………. or

Tonight we have guests. All the children are busy so we took the opportunity to invite friends for Shabbat Dinner. The table is laid, white cloth, beautiful dishes, and most of the food is already prepared. Tonight is a milk meal, "orange" soup, salmon, roasted with sweet chilli and garlic, charred, roasted aubergine with tehina, Zvi's famous courgette salad, stuffed peppers, a big green salad, sliced beefsteak tomatoes with Israeli buffalo mozzarella, and a dessert that has not yet been devised! Of course we begin with singing – Shabbat Shalom and Shalom Aleichem n – and then Zvi may, or may not, recite Eshet Chayil, Woman of Worth – it's not that he doesn't love me just that we sometimes forget!!! Kiddush, the blessing over the wine then bless the Challot, Rachel's delicious intricately braided Challot. Oh yes, of course I am going to see the children just as soon as I finish writing to you!

I wish you a Shabbat Shalom – a Shabbat of peace and contemplation, of acceptance and the will to fight for the good of mankind. Remember, Tikkun Olam is the basis of Judaism – or as Rabbi Hillel, who was born in Babylon in 110 BCE, said "What is hateful unto you do not do unto your neighbor"

With love from our blossoming, fruitful verandah. Yes Daniel, I am successfully gluing the lemons and kumquats to the tree (haha) so that Joshua and Callie can pick them in two weeks!!
