Thursday, 27 February 2025

Orange Balloons


27th February 2025

29th Shevat 5785

509 days since the 7th of October



Shabbat Shalom and Hodesh Tov, a new month, the month of Adar, and, if I dare, I wish all my Moslem friends a peaceful Ramadan which begins tomorrow


Haim Nachman Bialik was the Israeli poet laureate, the national author. Bialik wrote these words after a pogrom, even though he never knew two tiny babies with bright red hair his words ring true. He wrote:-

“Vengeance for the blood of a little child has yet to be designed by Satan


Each death, each body, each tortured soul that is returned from the hell of Hamas captivity is a tragedy, no-one is different, each is mourned, but somehow, these two beautiful children and their mother became a symbol of the barbarity, savagery of Hamas. Shiri Bibas’s terrified face as she clung her babies to her breast touched every heart, except for those who have no heart only hatred. Thousands of Israelis lined the route of the funeral cortege for many kilometres, our only way to express our national grief. Orange balloons, Israeli flags, large signs saying “Slicha” Sorry. A cavalcade of motor cycles accompanied the official cortege. Finally they came to the cemetery of Nir Oz and Shiri, Kfir and Ariel (z”l) were laid to rest together. Yarden, the adoring husband who came out of Gaza with a broken spirit, stood and eulogised the love of his life and his babies as did Dana, Shiri’s sister.  Each and every person saying sorry we couldn’t protect you. Dana and Shiri’s parents were killed on that fateful day, the day that caught all of those who were meant to protect us, asleep at the wheel.


The day before the Bibas funeral the funeral of Oded Lifshitz z”l took place in his beloved home of Kibbutz Nir Oz. As with each funeral thousands came to honour this man of peace. His widow, Yoheved, herself a released hostage, said “Our abduction and your death have shaken me to the core. We fought all through the years for social justice, for peace. To my sorrow, we were hit by a terrible blow by those we helped on the other side. I stand here staggered to see the number of graves, and the terrible destruction of our community that was completely abandoned on October 7th.”


Kibbutz Nir Oz, a truly liberal community of some 400 members, 100 were either lost or abducted. At least one quarter of their members. Many of the members came from Latin America, predominantly Argentina, and thousands of Argentinian Jews filled the streets of Buenos Aires, orange balloons, Israeli flags and singing Hatikva. The Argentinian Government is about to change the name of a street to Bibas Street.


I can't stop thinking about those two devastated young men, the two hostages, Eviatar David and Guy Gilboa-Dalal, who were forced to sit in a car and watch their friends forced to take part in a ludicrous ceremony, but on their way home to their families. Such cruelty.


We have a tendency to believe that it's just us just Israelis or just Jews in general but it isn't. Not only have Christians disappeared from Gaza, it is unknown if they fled or were killed or both; but in any country that has Islamist fanatics Christians are killed. This week 70 Christians were beheaded in the Eastern Congo aka The Democratic Republic of Congo, if ever there were a misnomer that has to be it.


Yesterday we received the bodies of four slain hostages in exchange for 600 convicted terrorists held in Israeli jails, several of whom are murderers. More than 100 murderers and lifers released, most of them deported via Egypt; 445 post-Oct. 7 prisoners returned to Gaza and dozens released to Yehuda and Shomron known as the West Bank. Such is the price of bringing all the hostages home for burial.


I have to address the supposed siege and starvation in Gaza. Even if we ignore the fact that hypermarkets and fruit markets have reopened, how many trucks do you think have passed through the borders from Israel in the last month? Remember that until last week we were still officially at war. A couple of hundred? A couple of thousand? This official report is from COGAT the Israeli Government  Humanitarian Aid to Gaza (and the world but at the  moment let’s concentrate on Gaza). “Israel’s war was never with the people of Gaza. Hamas, by choosing to continue the war, significantly obstructed aid delivery. Despite challenges, Israel has successfully facilitated the entry of over 1.3 million tons of aid to Gaza within the last 15 months.”  I beg of you to spread those numbers to all the doubters who are still so brainwashed that they believe the Hamas lies about starvation.


It feels as if the whole world is against us but suddenly, one incredible person, one politician stands up and speaks her mind. Australian Senator Jacqui Lambie delivered a heartfelt speech in parliament, urging politicians to stand with the Jewish community and condemn those behind the recent wave of antisemitic attacks.


Finally the IDF, tired of waiting for an official, governmental commission of inquiry into the 7th of October, has published their own results. It does not put the IDF or the various arms of the secret service in a good light, but they are honest. Herewith


The need for togetherness, to be with friends and neighbours has held us together, communities, parliaments, just being with others who understand how we feel has strengthened. We hold classes in the village, lectures in the hall where we hold our mind and movement class, trips to museums and exhibits, all to be together. Two days ago our “Over 60+” group went to see an excellent museum, one that I pass on a regular basis and always say “I must go there” but don’t. Zvi and I took the opportunity and we went to the “Museum of the Khan in Shaar Haguy on the main Tel Aviv Jerusalem Road. It is the story of the fighters who broke through the road to Jerusalem providing food and arms to the besieged city while under heavy Arab gunfire. You hear their testimonies and how they made fateful decisions. We watched a moving presentation that describes the high price the generation of 1948 paid in their struggle to keep the lifeline to Jerusalem open. We learned that when three vehicles were blown up and a British officer who came to the Hagana base, told them that they were finished, they couldn’t stand any more losses, to which they responded that they would continue to fight through and win, and they did.


Last Friday night’s Shabbat Dinner guests were Nattie and Yolli Zonszein, Becky and Samuel Bettsak, Derek and Irit Leroith and of course Itzik Lev! It was, as always, lively and fun and I think they enjoyed their food…. And Nattie’s wonderful Tiramisu for dessert. During the week Zvi has meetings for Hora Yerushalyim Dance Troupe and I had telephone meetings with Marcus Sheff, the amazing CEO of Impact-se. He gave me some incredible news!


“IMPACT-se announces that it is to open Abu Dhabi office at the International Dialogue of Civilizations and Tolerance Conference and hold high-level talks at UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The office will enhance collaboration, act as launchpad for engagement across the Middle East and as a key center to eradicate antisemitism from textbooks in the region.” So incredibly proud


I was very excited to take part in Zvi’s mini-parliament on Tuesday, the only woman with 8 men, and they were perfectly happy to let me join in! Actually, the following day Zvi went to his mini-mini-parliament at Yoram’s home. Tomorrow is the main parliament, all of which explains how social my husband is!


Tomorrow is a very special meeting for me. I don’t know if you realise but out of the original community of about 3,000 Welsh Jews, some 500 came on Aliyah. Why? Because we were an essentially Zionist society which was very aware of its roots. WIZO was strong, Habonim was led by the beautiful Norman Berg z”l who instilled in us the beauty of Israel, the love of Israel and the importance of Israel. Norman affected our entire generation of Welsh Jews. Anyway, of course I digressed! I meant to tell you that tomorrow we are holding a St. David’s Day meeting (I know it’s early but this year St David’s Day is on Shabbat). This year it is in a Jerusalem coffee shop but nobody minds if we burst into song. We are all expected to bring something Welsh with us and I will wear my sweatshirt proclaiming “Living in Israel with Roots in Wales”.  It is all arranged by Angela Ben Gur and Adele Rothman has created a Welsh Quiz. If you want to be friends with a Welshman, or indeed a Scot, just don’t ever say they are English! The wrath of a Celt will fall upon you, possibly in Welsh Gaelic!


From the Welsh meet I am driving to the airport with great anticipation because our wonderful friend Kim (aka Dr Kimball Taylor) is arriving! Kim comes at least twice a year for the JAFI meetings, the only non-Jew, and certainly the only member of the LDS church to take part. He will be staying over with us as always. Another welcome guest at our Shabbat Table will be Adrienne Spiner Arkin who came to Jerusalem for the Welsh meet. I decided to make a thoroughly traditional meal. Egg salad and smoked salmon hors d’oeuvres, Chicken soup and kneidlach (matzo balls) followed by a non-traditional makluba, aka magic rice!! Makluba is a potato, chicken and rice dish which if it works comes out of the pot as a sort of rice cake that then falls apart to reveal the chicken pieces within. Dessert? I haven’t got that far yet!!!


I would love to write an entire letter to you with just boring news, about walks in the park or the nature reserve, meeting friends, but it doesn’t seem to happen. The news has just come in about a car ramming in Karkur – Pardes Hanna in which 13 people,. Ordinary people at a bus stop, were injured, two seriously and one 17 year old is critical. The driver of the car carried a blue ID card, he was an Israeli Arab.


This week’s music is very special


Dma’ot Shel Malachim, Tears of Angels was going through my head throughout the funeral. I’m certain the angels are crying right now.


Shmor al ha Olam Yeled – Child take care of the world. Written and sung by David D’Or it admits that we have made a mess of the world so we now rely upon the next generation to do a much better job. Click on the subtitles icon (CC) to get the English


Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber understood the full meaning of the story of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. Perhaps this song is the most appropriate for our time, yet the most hopeful. Close Every Door to Me speaks of the despair of feeling alone and shunned yet the determination of continuing.


I wish you a good Shabbat, a peaceful week, even a boring one. Spend time with your loved ones and don’t forget to tell them how much you love them; it will stay with them forever. Remember that it will be alright, eventually. Surely this world is not so stupid that they will continue falling for those who wish to change their lives, to bring about the downfall of modern society with all its faults.


With much love from Jerusalem, beautiful Jerusalem.














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